5 Habits to Start This New Month


Every day is an opportunity to start new habits and change your life but the first of the month is always a landmark time to make positive shifts in your life and adopt new habits. the start of a new month can be looked at as a reset, an opportunity to do more and be better than you were the previous month.


Take this time to start a few new things that will make you feel productive, and make life feel exciting again. There are times when life can start to feel a little boring and repetitive and finding new habits to implement every new month can combat that and make you excited for this new chapter.


“A new month marks a new beginning and a fresh start”

-Winifred Kal


Start daily affirmations


Attract all the prosperity and abundance you deserve in this new month by starting to implement daily affirmations. Affirmations are generally “I am” statements such as “I am attracting opportunities to me”, “I am blessed and highly favored”. There are endless “I am” affirmations you can find online or on podcasts. Find some that resonate with you and repeat them daily. No need to make it hard and try to find new ones everyday, the power with affirmations is in repetition so find a few that feel good and repeat them endlessly to attract them into your life.


Take 1 big risk


It’s so easy for us to start getting comfortable in our easy, predictable lives. Many people work a 9-5 or work for a company and go about their routines never really changing anything because we are creatures of habit and it’s what we know. Every single month, no matter what your life looks like, take one big risk that makes you feel uncomfortable. I’m not suggesting that you quit your job and start freelancing (unless you believe in yourself and you feel called to it, in that case, get after it, babe). I’m suggesting maybe jump out of a plane, initiate a date with someone, depending on what your life looks like now, this will look different for everyone. Find something that has always made you uncomfortable or that you’ve always wanted to do but been scared of and go do it. You won’t believe that empowerment you’ll feel afterwards.


Start an exercise routine


If you’re not already consistent with an exercise routine, start one and stick to it. This can be anything from strength training to yoga or pilates, as long as it is something that you can commit your time and effort to. Aim for at least 4-5x a week even if you have to do a couple 15 minute yoga or floor pilates videos on youtube to get it in, just get it in where you can. Having a consistent exercise routine not only changes your body but it also makes you feel really good mentally and can reduce stress. Taking this time for you is an act of self love and will strengthen the relationship you have with yourself.


Follow an 80/20 diet


No more fad, yo-yo diets with this new month. Keep it simple so you can keep it sustainable and practice an 80/20 diet, 80% clean, whole, nutritious foods and 20% little treats. I tried all the diets and this one is the one that I’ve found to be the best. The idea that you don’t have to “restrict yourself” from some little treats every once in a while makes it a much easier diet to follow. Prioritize protein, stick to foods that are unprocessed or minimally processed, eat your veggies and if you want to have a piece or two of dark chocolate to end your night go for it.


Learn something new


Make a plan to learn something new this month. You can find a great podcast and learn about personal development and self improvement, you can start to learn a new language, you can learn some new recipes, a new sport, find something and make it happen. Learning something new is not only a great way to add value to your already valuable self but it is also a great way to keep your brain sharp. Over time doing the same things day in and day out our brain takes a little bit of a backseat to life so forcing it to be extremely active with this new skill is an amazing way to stay sharp.



In Conclusion:


There is always more that you can do with your life. The challenge is around getting out of the comfortable routine and making some positive shifts in your day to day life to keep you excited and motivated for each and every day.

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Hi! I’m Robbie and this is one of my many internet babies that I’m creating to make an impact in the world of mindfulness, wellness, fitness and anything and everything in between. I’m blessed to be able to share so I can help you on your path to living your absolute best life.

Thank you for being here xoxo

Robbie Leona

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