Small Changes to Make a Big Difference in Your Life

It doesn’t matter if you’re a high-powered executive or just starting out in the workplace, every person needs to make changes in their life from time to time. The good news is that there are so many small things that you can do to make a big difference! In this blog post we will discuss how one of those things can be making your bed each day.

These are all forms of manifesting and putting the right energy out into the universe. If you are passionate about something or want something but feel that it’s impossible for you, you probably aren’t going to get it. Don’t live your life lead by doubt and preconceived notions about what you deserve. If you want it I want you to practice these things like it’s your job and to never give up on it, you can have whatever you desire and you will find a way to bring it into your life, believe in yourself, even if no one else is.


I personally find this incredibly difficult because it’s hard to visualize your life as your dream life when you’re continuing on living your “normal” life every day. You’ve heard of everyone’s vision boards and dream boards, go on and make yourself one! I made one and though I don’t like to have it out when people are over because for some reason I’m embarrassed by it I did make one. It is honestly the most minimalistic vision board ever, it literally has a couple encouraging sentences and I called it at that. I encourage you to go on Pinterest and search for your dream house, your dream car, your dream job, whatever it may be and put that shit on a board. I don’t really have a dream that includes a dream house or a dream car but even if that’s not what you want even if you want to live a life of service you can put acts of kindness on a board that you are striving to be able to give to someone one day. Try to make your mind strong enough that when you are going about doing your normal everyday tasks you can close your eyes and see yourself in that dream setting!


Simple as that, write literally everything down and I mean EVERY THING!  If you are anything like me (slightly ADHD brained) you will come up with a genius new idea every 5 minutes and forget it 30 seconds later. Our brains are constantly flowing with sooooo much it’s honestly overwhelming. I try to have a notebook or a notepad or my notes app with me at all times. Find out what your optimal work time is whether you work best in the morning after a nice big cup of coffee, in the afternoon after lunch or maybe in the evening after you do some yoga to help with clarity. Anything that comes to your mind, just write it down, trust me. You will look back on your notes at a later date and maybe you’ll think something you wrote down was dumb and who the hell even wrote this or maybe you’ll look at it and it’ll spark more and you’ll be able to elaborate on it. You never know so why take the chance of forgetting it?


I will elaborate more on affirmations and mantras in another blog post but saying something out loud might feel silly at the time but it makes whatever you’re saying register 10000x better. Have you ever read a paragraph in a book and not quite understood it? Then you go back and you read it out loud and you have that “ooooohhhhhh” moment with whatever it was you read? That’s the best analogy I can make to speaking your dreams into reality or speaking your dreams into existence. It, once again, pounds it into your brain and makes it much easier for the universe to hear your thoughts, dreams, and desires.

Act Towards It

So now you’re visualizing it, you’re speaking it into existence, you’re writing your affirmations and writing down ideas and dreams and all that good stuff but nothing is happening?! Well, you little silly goose, you can’t really just sit there and wait for it all to come true when you’re not even on the right path. Align your life and your behavior with what you want and work hard at it. Unfortunately most of the time you have to create the opportunity for yourself. This is the hardest part, actually building up the courage to believe in yourself enough to work towards what you know you deserve and what you know you want out of life. Let me tell you though, when you are on the right path, it will just flow out of you, whatever it is! If your desire and your will to work hard for it is strong enough you will achieve it. MAKE YOURSELF WANT THE OUTCOME MORE THAN YOU WANT THE COMFORT YOU FEEL RIGHT NOW. That, my friends, is literally the hardest part of all.

Positive Thinking

You’re not getting anywhere with that negative nancy attitude. If you are negative and you don’t believe in yourself who will? You cannot expect someone to do the positive thinking, to be there for you 24/7 when you have a bad day and feel like giving up. You have to be that for yourself and that certainly isn’t easy either! Allow yourself to have bad days, allow yourself breaks, allow yourself to not be on your game all the time, it’s just going to happen so you have to accept it. What isn’t going to help you get through those tough days is having a negative attitude about it. Negativity is the downfall of the stable mind. I am the self proclaimed QUEEN of negative thoughts so you are truly preaching to the choir when you say it’s hard to get out of a negative headspace. I do this thing where I visualize these little elves in my brain pushing the negative thoughts out, they’re going to come in, it’s inevitable, what IS under your control is how you handle them and pick yourself back up… I believe in you!!

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Hi! I’m Robbie and this is one of my many internet babies that I’m creating to make an impact in the world of mindfulness, wellness, fitness and anything and everything in between. I’m blessed to be able to share so I can help you on your path to living your absolute best life.

Thank you for being here xoxo

Robbie Leona

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