This is something I haven’t seen talked about and I’ve been in the fitness industry for 10+ years. One of the keys to nailing your ab workouts and seeing those results is fixing your alignment. Of course, you won’t see any results without proper nutrition but fixing your alignment will make a world of difference.
When I used to do ab movements my hip flexors would take over and I would feel nothing in my abs. It’s hard when you’re told to do certain exercises and that’s the key, that’s what’s going to do it for you, it feels almost hopeless and like a waste of time. No one talks enough about core engagement though. Everyone posts their killer ab routines and you just feel like something isn’t clicking. It’s your engagement. There is a natural curvature to the lower part of the spine, the lumbar spine. This causes our low back to lift up off the ground when doing lying core movements forcing our hip flexors to take over.
Hopefully this video can get through to some people and help fix your alignment in order to get the most out of the core work you have been working so hard on.