My Story

My fitness journey started long before my personal development journey. I started lifting as soon as I could start driving to the gym by myself. At 16 I was a total beginner in the gym with absolutely no idea what I was doing. I started by copying what I saw online and taking tips from the people in my gym. Before long I got addicted and decided to get a trainer and start prepping for a bikini competition because it was just the thing to do at the time. After my first competition I had a spout of binge eating disorder and then tried to compete again, way overweight and feeling awful about myself.

Fast forward to now, I have spent years fine tuning my training, trying out everything and anything to make my body evolve and to make myself feel good in my skin again. It took over 10 years of weightlifting to finally start incorporating more movement and lifestyle changes to benefit my mind and the health of my physical body, not just the way I look.

It has been a long and beautiful journey in getting to know my mind and my body and I want to be able to share it all with you. My mission is to educate because it took me far too long to figure this all out for myself. I want every single human to feel as good in their lives as I am blessed to feel in my life every single day. Let me help you on your path to feeling your best and living the greatest life imaginable!

Hi! I’m Robbie and this is one of my many internet babies that I’m creating to make an impact in the world of mindfulness, wellness, fitness and anything and everything in between. I’m blessed to be able to share so I can help you on your path to living your absolute best life.

Thank you for being here xoxo

Robbie Leona

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