How to Trick your Brain into Doing Hard Things

Life isn’t easy, we’re all incredibly aware of this. But why is it still so difficult to push ourselves to do the hard things that we know will make the biggest impact on our lives? It’s almost as if you know exactly what you need to do to make a change but there’s a huge […]

How to Set Goals and Achieve your Dreams

  Goal setting is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your dreams and live the life you want. It allows you to focus your energy and efforts on specific, measurable objectives, and gives you a sense of purpose and direction. By setting and working towards your goals, you can create a vision for […]

5 Small Habits that Actually Changed my Life

“You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” -John C. Maxwell   Small habits make a big difference, they can be the catalyst for the greatest change in your life or the catalyst for your biggest downfall. If you’ve never […]

This is Why Your Manifestations AREN’T Working

  Manifesting is all the rage right now. Everyone is doing it, everyone is seeing incredible results and everyone is promoting it like it’s some magic potion that will instantly get you to exactly where you want to be.   It can be discouraging when you don’t see results over night. It looks like everyone […]

How to Get Through a Breakup

Disclosure: this post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to purchase through my links, at no cost to you.   Currently, I am 7 days into a breakup. A breakup that I didn’t want, that I didn’t see coming, and that I fought against so hard. It’s not easy […]

5 Habits to Start This New Month

  Every day is an opportunity to start new habits and change your life but the first of the month is always a landmark time to make positive shifts in your life and adopt new habits. the start of a new month can be looked at as a reset, an opportunity to do more and […]

What You Need to do to Exit Your Lazy Girl Era

  Humans are creatures of habit and while sometimes that can be to our benefit, we can also find ourselves being habitually lazy. I am no exception, I’ve been there, I have been stuck in this lazy girl era and it is NOT an easy one to get out of. Living your life as a […]

3 Simple Mindset Shifts That Will Change Your Life

“Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will begin to change along with it” -Steve Maraboli   The mind is a powerful place. Changing your mindset, this thing that has been engrained in you since you were born, is no easy task. The journey to conquer the mind comes with ups and downs just […]

What To Do If Social Media Is Ruining Your Mental Health

Disclosure: this post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to purchase through my links, at no cost to you.   “When you do something shameful for pleasure the pleasure passes quickly but the shame endures” -Musonius Rufus   The first step is not to panic and not to feel […]

The Power of Vision Boards and How They Work

(my vision board from last year that was the background on my phone)   In a world constantly vying for our attention, focusing on our goals and aspirations can sometimes feel like navigating through a fog. Enter the vision board: a simple yet profound tool that has gained popularity for its ability to help people […]