What You Need to do to Exit Your Lazy Girl Era


Humans are creatures of habit and while sometimes that can be to our benefit, we can also find ourselves being habitually lazy. I am no exception, I’ve been there, I have been stuck in this lazy girl era and it is NOT an easy one to get out of. Living your life as a lazy girl day to day is great! It’s comfortable, it’s easy, it’s relaxing and you don’t have to do anything other than what makes you happy in that moment. After a week or a month of being a lazy girl, if you’re anything like me, chances are you’re going to look back at that time and have an overwhelming sense of disappointment in yourself. While the day to day was cool, in the big picture living this way not only slows your life down but it also lowers your confidence and your sense of self.


Never forget how wildly capable you are.


I don’t want you to overthink getting our of this phase. When you start overthinking that’s when you start talking yourself out of things and retreating back to the warmth and ease of the comfortable lazy girl lifestyle. Take small, actionable steps towards exiting this era. Make these steps habits in your day to day life and no matter how much you want to slump back into the comfort of not doing anything don’t let it overcome you.



No phone first thing in the AM/ Limit social media


This paragraph could turn into 12 paragraphs but I’m going to keep it short so you don’t think I’m a lunatic. First, our brain waves when we sleep are different from our brain waves when we’re awake and it’s important to allow our brains time to transition naturally without stimulation from a mobile device. Second, if we are immediately checking emails (especially for work), texts, or social media, we are immediately put into a reactionary state which heightens our cortisol and sets us up to have a bit of a stressful day because we didn’t allow any time in the morning for ourselves. Third, if we’re using social media first thing in the morning we’re getting those hits of dopamine right when we wake up which is immediately programming your brain to want those hits the rest of the day therefore veering our tendencies throughout the day to lean towards opening social media.


Have a morning routine


I understand that not everyone has the luxury of having a long, drawn out, morning routine which is absolutely fine. Your morning routine is whatever you make it and whatever is accessible and sustainable for you. This can be as little as two things that you do first thing in the morning, it doesn’t even need to take 5 minutes. You can have your coffee while you ice roll and read, you can practice some self love while you brush your teeth, you can get a quick stretch in while you practice your affirmations. If you do have time you can create the most luxurious morning routine ever but the key to this step is keeping it consistent, so start small and stick with it before you start a 15 step morning routine.


Put on a cute outfit


There is power in a cute outfit, I know you know that. When I put on a cute outfit, immediately my mood is changed. Immediately I want to go out and do a million things, I want to get compliments on my outfits (only from the girlies because girl compliments are superior), I want to go crush my workout. A cute outfit is shown (official studies) to make you 1000000% more productive. No sitting around the house in your pajamas and no tossing on a scrubby tee. Put on a cute outfit, extra points if you laid it out the night before, and get your butt up and moving.



Embrace silence or listen to a podcast


For most people the second there is silence, because our brains are so used to being stimulated, we need to be entertained. Our immediate reaction is to pick up our phone to find something to entertain us, something to do, or something to pass the time. This is lazy girl activity and this is getting left behind, thank you. When you are at a stoplight, when you are cooking, when you are doing anything where you might have to sit quietly with your thoughts for .5 seconds, sit quietly with those thoughts or (if you must) listen to an educational or motivational podcast, something that is providing actual value to you. I encourage you to try as best as you can to embrace some silence, this is where you will be able to gain clarity and access to the mind and level up your life.


Write SMART goals


Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely. Writing down these smart goals will help you to see what it is that you need to do in order to get to where you want to be. It is an excellent way to combat overwhelm and to keep you feeling proud and accomplished every step of the way. Take some time and really consider what these goals would be. Make sure to make them achievable for where you are currently at right now and as you keep reaching those goals you set continue to rewrite them along the way.


In conclusion:


It happens, we get ourselves stuck in these phases but you are more than capable of getting yourself out of it and reaching any and every goal that you set for yourself. If you want some more stimulation and this wasn’t enough information on this topic, I also made a YouTube video for you discussing all of these steps (I know I’m really a people pleaser, I love my visual learners, too). xoxo


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Hi! I’m Robbie and this is one of my many internet babies that I’m creating to make an impact in the world of mindfulness, wellness, fitness and anything and everything in between. I’m blessed to be able to share so I can help you on your path to living your absolute best life.

Thank you for being here xoxo

Robbie Leona

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