Why your Manifestations AREN’T Working and How to Fix It


Manifesting is all the rage right now. Everyone is doing it, everyone is seeing incredible results and everyone is promoting it like it’s some magic potion that will instantly get you to exactly where you want to be.


It can be discouraging when you don’t see results over night. It looks like everyone else is winning and living the life of their dreams… why aren’t you? First, what people show you isn’t always their reality and in most cases it’s very curated to fit the perception that they want you to have of them. Second, there is a lot more to manifesting than just saying what you are, what you “want” and waiting for it to come to you. Let’s talk about what you’re doing wrong and how to ACTUALLY get manifestations to work for you.


Your mindset hasn’t changed


In order to start manifesting your dream life, you have to believe that you deserve to have your dream life. There’s a difference between thinking you deserve your dream life and believing you deserve your dream life. When you think you deserve something there’s a lack of feeling there and when there’s a lack of feeling there is a disconnect between your current reality and what you want to have happen.


In order to fix this disconnect you need to change the internal dialogue that you have on replay in your head. That internal dialogue (usually) inherently comes from a place of lack. We focus so much on what we don’t have, our failures, our lack, what we need, we never take the time to give ourselves credit when credit is due and to speak highly of ourselves and our capabilities. You are a hostage to your internal dialogue and your limiting beliefs and until you can learn to recognize when those thoughts arise and actively flip the script to abundance, opportunity, and positivity you will keep yourself enslaved in your own mental prison.


You’re manifesting from a place of lack



When you manifest it’s common to make the seemingly trivial mistake of either saying the words “want” or “need” or your manifestations are coming from feeling like you don’t have enough… again, here’s that word feeling. Like I said before, your feelings will usually align with your current reality so until you change the way you feel about your life, your life will not change.


There’s a reason why most all education surrounding manifestation tells you to avoid the words want and need. When you manifest you are supposed to be speaking as if it is already your current reality. When you say those words, you are coming from a place of not having enough, when you speak from a place of not having enough the Universe, God, whoever will recognize that you’re trying to manifest your dream life while not even showing an ounce of gratitude for your current situation. It’s hard to feel grateful for life especially when you’re going through a tough time but if you’re here reading this blog, you clearly have something to be grateful for.


Start all of your manifestations from a place of gratitude, start flipping your internal dialogue to a place of gratitude, be grateful for every chapter, every page in your life even if it’s not where you want to be. That mindset will show you the abundance in your life and, in turn, will provide you with more of it.


You’re not taking action


I’m sure you know this already but I think there’s a big misconception that when you manifest, things should just fall into your lap. Don’t get me wrong that can absolutely happen if you have the right mindset, if you’re consistent and if you work hard towards it.


A lot of people make it sound like you don’t have to put in the work or the work is going to be easier because of these manifestations. In my opinion, that is half true and let me explain. You definitely have to put in the work, 1000%, however, when you are manifesting something it usually means you’re pretty clear on what you want and when you’re clear on what you want the path you need to take to get there is a lot straighter than it was before.


When you are constantly thinking about, bringing into your reality, and manifesting your goals it’s much easier to make progress towards reaching them. You are more aligned, you’re more driven, your mindset is much healthier because you can actually see what it is that you’re working towards and you feel that that is something you are worthy of. You need to take a whole lot of action to accomplish everything you’ve set out to accomplish but these shifts will make the work easier and more rewarding.


You’re not aligned



It’s very hard to see the results of manifestation if what you’re trying to manifest doesn’t align with your destiny. Before you start manifesting it’s important to take the time to sit with yourself, learn about yourself, find out what you like and what your dream life looks like.


It’s easy to look on social media and see people doing cool things, feel FOMO and try to manifest that as our reality but if it isn’t something that’s truly meant for you, if it isn’t something YOU actually want, you’re going to be met with a lot of resistance and not a lot of results. Get clear on what you want to achieve, do it for you and only you, work your butt of to get there, and be unapologetically your authentic self throughout the entire journey.




Work on these four things before you start your journey to your dream life and watch how the results of your manifestations come so much faster. Many blessings to my abundant beings!

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Hi! I’m Robbie and this is one of my many internet babies that I’m creating to make an impact in the world of mindfulness, wellness, fitness and anything and everything in between. I’m blessed to be able to share so I can help you on your path to living your absolute best life.

Thank you for being here xoxo

Robbie Leona

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